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Always and a while

It would sum up the things that happen around here. Always and a while. The always part is something that happens on a daily basis and the a while part is something that happens every now and then. Like writing on these pages for instance. It was to be a daily commentary but has descended into a void that is “a while”.

A while since I logged on.

A while since I thought about any form of contribution to the pages.

A while in a while for thinking about this while I am working.

Now for the always part.

Driving to an from somewhere is always happening. Not always to places that one wants to really go though. Just places that one is necessitate to visit for the daily living.

Always viewing stuff.

I recall hearing a lecture a few years ago about having STUFF! The person who spoke went on ad nauseam on the proverbial phenomenon of having stuff, which we do tend to have a lot of these days.

I had boxes that I had not opened in nearly 10 years, yet there they were in the dusty glory waiting for my previous life to be rediscovered once again. Which I did to a certain extent with some of it and wondered why I had kept some other parts of it. Was I clinging onto a past that has now alluded me? Was I trying to keep as many keep sakes as possible?